The Spring 2024 Newsletter Is Here
View the NewsletterOur Mission
We are dedicated to expanding the availability and enhancing the quality of post secondary education.
Success Stories
2014 Recipient
"I cannot thank the Bailey Family Foundation enough."
2015 Recipient
"Thank you Bailey Family Foundation for the support and the generous scholarship that you have given me."
2014 Recipient
"I’m going to a college I have dreamed of attending."
2014 Recipient
"This award brings me closer to achieving my goals."
2014 Recipient
"I would not be able to attend the college of my choice without you."
Our Journey
Distributed to Date
The Foundation distributes over $2,000,000 annually to fund more than 500 scholarships primarily in Hillsborough, Pinellas and Polk counties in west central Florida.
Our Scholarships
High School Students
$5,000 Renewable Scholarship
(Up to 4 years)
This program provides educational scholarships to high school seniors who have a financial need and have demonstrated scholastic achievement, and a dedication to community service.
Our Scholarships
College Students
$5,000 Non-Renewable Scholarship
(Previous winners may re-apply)
This program provides educational scholarships to college students who have a financial need and have demonstrated scholastic achievement, and a dedication to community service.
How to Apply
Minumum 2.5 Cumulative GPA
Demonstrate Financial Need
Graduating HS senior or Current College Student
Attending or Planning to Attend Eligible HS/College
Legal U.S. Resident
Pursuing Undergraduate Degree or Diploma
Minumum 2.5 Cumulative GPA
Demonstrate Financial Need
Graduating HS senior or Current College Student
Attending or Planning to Attend Eligible HS/College
Legal U.S. Resident
Pursuing Undergraduate Degree or Diploma
The Application
Must be submitted between Jan 1st - Feb 28th
Fill out your student application
Write your 300-word essay
Wait for a status update (by April 15th)
* If selected, application information WILL be verified.
* Scholarship is for tuition and tuition related fees only
* For essay guidelines, please click here
* For high school seniors, see eligible High Schools
* For college applicants, see eligible Colleges
Other Programs
This program provides educational scholarships to lineal descendants of Joseph Moss Bailey who demonstrate scholastic achievement.
Eligible descendants of Joseph Moss Bailey may download heritage application here.Hope for Tomorrow
This research program is designed to determine how limited scholarship funds are the most efficiently utilized. From this program the Foundation hopes to learn how scholarships can be awarded most effectively.
Scholarship Application
Our current scholarship application period has ended.
We will accept new applications from:
January 1st, 2016 - Feb 28th
Thank you.